Firimituri – Septembrie 2010


A colleague just confessed he’d kiss me because I have the eyes of a sad baby lemur.


“Membrele trupei ABBA vor sa se reuneasca.” Alea inferioare sau alea superioare?


Routine rhymes with guillotine.


Narcolepsie autumnala si imaginatie in putrefactie. Prima e a mea, a doua e a altora.


Mornings are for sleeping.


<The song “Sea Lion Woman”, was recorded in 1939 by Christine and Katherine Shipp, but was performed by Nina Simone under the title “See Line Woman” and later by Feist as “Sealion”. According to the liner notes from the compilation “A Treasury of Library of Congress Field Recordings,” the actual title of this playground song might also be “See [the] Lyin’ Woman” or “C-Line Woman.”>


Jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj-ul meu are firimituri.


RT “How did you find the weather on your vacation?” “I just went outside and there it was.”


“I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children’s children, because I don’t think children should be having sex.” by Jack Handey


“O babă bălană mănâncă o banană babană. – A blond hag eats a huge banana.”





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