Firimituri – Februarie 2015


“February is the shortest month of the year, so if you are having a miserable month, try to schedule it for February.” — Lemony Snicket


“Childhood was terrifying for me. A kid has no control. You’re 3 feet tall, flat broke, unemployed, and illiterate.” Mary Karr, The Art of Memoir No. 1, interviewed by Amanda Fortini, published in The Paris Review no. 191 (Winter 2009).


Străbunică de 95 de ani în fața Skype-ului: ,,Fată, dar parcă-i aici!”.


Te trezești la 5, deschizi televizorul: “Erupțiile lui Fuego”. #vulcanic


“stillborn” trebuie să fie cel mai trist cuvânt din limba engleză.


Click on a pindrop to see the Tom Waits lyric associated with the location:


“That’s how we stay young these days: murder and suicide.” ― Eugène Ionesco, Man With Bags


Am auzit și primul sughiț de pisică.


Te uiți la mâna cu care dai clickclickclick și vrei să sufli un fir de păr care te gâdilă, dar descoperi o furnică vie printre alunițe.


11.50: Le șpriț de l’escalier.




Check how many records were made in a certain color:


“Housewarming party” in French: • Pendaison de crémaillère •


Betty Draper îmi amintește de Gabriela Firea. Man, I cannot stand her.


Singurul lucru care-mi place la Kramer: cămășile lui. Le vreau.


On dads: “Once a man has children, for the rest of his life, his attitude is, ‘To hell with the world, I can make my own people’.” Seinfeld


Hainele mele de stat prin casă sunt rochițe vechi sau tricouri largi. Ale lui sunt sănucumvasă-miarunciastacândfacicurat!


Gluten Free Museum is a Tumblr dedicated to painstakingly removing all gluten products from famous works of art:


An Instagram generated font


Endless Horse, I’m weird and I love you:



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Liberté, égalité, 8 Martié