Back in September, I was part of an audience interested in listening to the most cherished Dutch graphic designer - Irma Boom, discuss about books with a couple of wonderful guests.
Physically, Heimat is a Cabinet of Wonder. A Wunderkammer. A collection of wonderful drawings, handwritten diary-like entries, old photos, postcards, official documents - all interlaced to give birth to a flawless visual performance.
Finding relatable behaviours and characters and situations always strike me with an oxymoronic mix of relief, sadness, and humour. A phew, I’m not the only one. An oh, boy, this world is screwed.
A flower without a name is a weed; a flower with a Latin name is somehow raised to a state of dignity. If a nettle grows on your bed, label it ‟Urtica dioica,” and you will respect it; you will even loosen the soil for it, and manure it with saltpetre.”
It's been quite a while, but here they are: a new round of 5 favorite poems illustrated by 5 lovely local artists.
Carina Davidoiu, Cristina Frei, Alina Marinescu, Alexandra Mocanu and Biliana Velikova received the poems via e-mail only a few days ago and sent them back to me as wonderful illustrations.
"Well, sir, there was an old woman up in her years whose only companion was a beautiful pear tree. It grew at the door to her cabin. But when the pears were ripe, the neighborhood boys came and taunted her and stole the fruit. They were driving her to the end of her wits.
Dominique's memoir, "Pretending is lying", happened to be on the shelves of the bookshop a couple of days ago. Vlad put it in my arms.
I was feeling tired and worried and not-in-the-mood and I-don't-have-time-for-anything-right-now. But I opened it and then I couldn't leave without it.
Cercetând situația consumului de semințe de pe la noi ca temă pentru unul dintre cursurile de la Master, am dat peste câteva bucurii notabile. O să las și aici 7 dintre ele:
Another round of 5 poems landed in the magic-making hands of 5 local artists:
Ana Bănică, Adelina Butnaru, George Roșu, Ruxandra Șerbănoiu and Yanna Zosmer received the poems via e-mail only a week ago and sent them back to me as heart-warming illustrations.