Back in September, I was part of an audience interested in listening to the most cherished Dutch graphic designer - Irma Boom, discuss about books with a couple of wonderful guests.
Typically Belgian, this city has a special place for street art in its heart. We didn't get to hunt for specific murals, but we enjoyed some majestic casual encounters.
Physically, Heimat is a Cabinet of Wonder. A Wunderkammer. A collection of wonderful drawings, handwritten diary-like entries, old photos, postcards, official documents - all interlaced to give birth to a flawless visual performance.
Finding relatable behaviours and characters and situations always strike me with an oxymoronic mix of relief, sadness, and humour. A phew, I’m not the only one. An oh, boy, this world is screwed.
A flower without a name is a weed; a flower with a Latin name is somehow raised to a state of dignity. If a nettle grows on your bed, label it ‟Urtica dioica,” and you will respect it; you will even loosen the soil for it, and manure it with saltpetre.”
Prietenii mei super pasionați și talentați, Bianca Dumitrașcu și Sorin Trăistaru, și-au unit puterile și încep propăvăduirea sfintelor taine ale Lettering-ului și Caligrafiei printre pământeni.